Online Spell check, Grammar, and Thesaurus checking

Month: September 2015


  • September 18, 2015
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A branch of linguistics that studies the various forms and structure of words is called morphology. It is one of the major elements of grammar and is traditionally applied to internal structure of words while syntax refers to the structure of a sentence. These two terms are similar in that they both show how language…


  • September 17, 2015
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A morpheme is the smallest unit of speech that has meaning. It cannot be divided into anything smaller without changing meaning or becoming completely meaningless. Throughout different uses, it is basically stable and will keep its same basic meaning. A word or part of a word can be a morpheme. The two types are bound…

Interrogative mood

  • September 16, 2015
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Sentences in English express moods through the verb. Verb moods are indicative, imperative, subjunctive/conditional and interrogative. Interrogative Mood Interrogative statements ask a question. They always end with a question mark, which is the easiest way to spot them. A way to remember is to think of action movies, where criminal suspects are “interrogated” in an “interrogation room.” “Who…


  • September 15, 2015
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Inflection is the change in a verb or noun that helps it to function better and add clarity in a sentence. Noun Inflection in a noun has to do with number. The plural form of most words simply involves adding an -s to the end, but there are plenty of words that change completely, and…

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