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What are your personal benefits of being an ESL speaker?

  • June 7, 2016
  • Posted by

Have you thought before why you should study English? Think about it again; I have made a small list of your benefits if you learn English as you second foreign language.

If you’re a native English speaker, look through this list as it explains the profit for you too.

1) You can find more friends all around the world.

No, really. There are many people just like you who study English as their second of just new foreign language.

And don’t forget the natives, of course! The hundred percent new world is open for you when you’re an ESL.

What is the fruit of English Learning?-22) You can find out lots of different English-speaking countries.

This gives you an opportunity to be informed up-to-date on everything going on in these countries. Why may you need this? To choose a country to stay in for the summer holidays!

3) You can express yourself to a much larger audience.

You’ll have new clients, new business opportunities, and so on.

4) You can become a programmer as it’s easy when you understand all these strange foreign words in this unfamiliar machine as a computer!

5) You can find a new job, which was impossible yesterday without speaking English.

6) You can extend your life.

Yes, you know, this is some science-fiction. Though my FSL teacher who is 89 today is still alive and (hush!) she teaches yet. She looks like a very lovely 58 years old madam. Oh, yes, learning something new as a new speech, vocabulary, etc. may lead to your long and happy life!

7) Why will you need a long and happy life if you forget everything after few seconds? Learning a new language improves your mental health, reduces Alzheimer’s risks. Sounds much better, yeah?

8) As for your other live aspects:

Language learning will afford you to be better at multitasking. My grandfather used to say that he couldn’t walk and speak on the phone. Today, after he started his English courses he can drive a car, talk to his passengers, and change the music!

9) The point of brain development is not discovered to the end. We just know that being bilingual helps us to focus on a current task better than can do one-language-speakers.

10) People who studied the second dialect are more creative comparing to those who didn’t.

Have you found any reason for yourself to start or to continue learning English as your new foreign language to discover? I hope so!

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