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Monday, the day of the Moon

  • September 26, 2016
  • Posted by

Today the best-selling subject is the history of the language.

When I was a student, I used to like the history, though I used to dislike the history of the languages due to the teaching methods. This is a kind of a mixed feeling.

Nevertheless, I think that a student without bad teaching experience should like the history of the languages subject.

So, I decided to include some points in our blog posts. You may have noticed the prefixes posts, and yes, this also concerns the history and the development of the language.

Happy Monday!

Let’s start with an unusual example: the days of the week. Maybe you already know all you have to about the names of the days, but maybe you don’t. I won’t tell anyone that you came to my blog to read this only post. I’ll keep it to myself.

We start with Monday only because today is this day.

As for me, I like the idea of starting the new week with Sunday, though it’s not so popular in other European countries. I have recently thought about this excellent idea to launch the day before and get ready for the upcoming week. I mean anything that you may reflect on with no religious or traditions context. Okay, one can go to the church or cook the meals for the whole week, anything that will be useful for his or her future working week.

One can use the theory of eating for the whole week, a great idea, though I have asked the medical doctors and they considered this method as a not working one. Sorry for telling you this fact right now. Still, there are a lot of different ways to prepare yourself for the upcoming working week.

Monday is the first day of the week in many of the European countries regardless their languages; Monday is the second day of the week for the English speaking countries. Its position as first or second day usually depends on Islamic, Christian or Hebrew calendars.

Thanks to some international standards (maybe the same that count the number of the days in a month?) Monday is approved to be the first day of the working week in non-Islamic and non-Hebrew (Israel) countries.

In the English language, Monday is named after the Moon. So it’s literally the Day of the Moon or Moon Day. We don’t count French, Italian and Spanish where Monday is also the Moon day! This is incredibly magic that in different languages as Japanese and Korean where Monday has the same translation and historical meaning!

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