Online Spell check, Grammar, and Thesaurus checking



  • August 30, 2015
  • Posted by

Adjectives are words that describe a noun, which is a person, place or thing. They are generally found in two places inside a sentence: in the predicative or attributive position. Predicative adjectives follow the nouns they describe and need a linking verb to tie the two together. Attributive adjectives precede the nouns they are describing and do not need any linking words.

Attributive Examples

“The white kitten climbed onto the couch.”

“Do not bet on a gray racehorse.”

“In the south, a heavy storm is sometimes called a ‘frog strangler’.”Add Attributive to your sentence

More than one can be used at a time; commas are used to separate them when there are more than one, though sometimes “and” and “or” are used when there are two.

“A small, yellow boat sailed across the lake.”

“The band wore green and orange uniforms.”

“The quick, red, sneaky fox jumped over the dirty, mangy, brown dog.”

Adverbs can also be added for further description (adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs); they are easy to spot, as they usually end in -ly.

“The band wore extremely hideous lime green and orange uniforms.”


A few phrases defy the rules, generally titles and such.

Attorney General

Poet laureate

Court martial

What other exceptions from the list do you know?

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