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Category: vocabulary
Words are not what they seem [infographic]
- May 2, 2011
- Posted by Mila
‘Look it up in the dictionary!’ – That’s what my mother always told me when I ran across a word I didn’t understand. Good advice, yes? But this was before the internet, and lugging that hefty volume off the shelf wasn’t nearly as appealing as doing the next best thing—guessing at the meaning according to…
10 Funniest Online Terms [infographic]
- April 25, 2011
- Posted by Mila
Technology has claimed its own corner of English, and it’s not without humor. Here are 10 of the funniest words and terms from the “interwebz”. Infographic is clickable. To download high resolution poster click here. Embed this image to your site: [Infographic provided by] 1. Cappuccino cowboy/cowgirl The first of our funny words…
New words of 2010 [infographic]
- April 18, 2011
- Posted by Mila
Oxford University Press has one of the largest language research programs in the world and continuously scours the internet, popular fiction, science journals, and even song lyrics for words creeping into the English language. At one time, 2-3 years of use was required before a new word/term appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary, but the…
Chocolate, Poetry and Romance Vocabulary
- February 14, 2011
- Posted by Mila
St. Valentine’s Day is the time to send roses and chocolate candies, and it is a perfect time to brush up on the vocabulary of love. Love Words Some frequently-used English words take on unique meanings in love vocabulary. Exclusive: a couple has agreed to date only each other. “Our relationship is exclusive.” Puppy love:…