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How to motivate yourself for studying if you feel lazy

  • March 22, 2018
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Sooner or later, most students have to face the lack of motivation. The reasons can be very diverse: laziness, turbulent student life, lack of incentives, which causes many young people to study much worse than their abilities. In order to overcome your laziness and force yourself to take up your studies, first of all, you…

5 English Grammar Pitfalls You Have to Be Careful With

  • October 6, 2017
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Papers and essays are some of the most common assignments students face. They should thoroughly verify that the proper grammar was used before submitting the assignment. However, many people have a problem with English grammar because it is easy to make a lot of mistakes without realizing it. For example, look at some grammar mistakes…

Are there any feminine or masculine nouns in English?

  • November 14, 2016
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Good Grammar Day! As always, I start a new grammar or vocabulary class after some questions of my students. Thank you so much for your help and hints for new grammar or teaching tips! My students have recently asked me: “where are the ‘gendered definitions’ in the English language?” For the native speakers’ information: there…

Learn and teach in a different way!

  • November 11, 2016
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Good Grammar Day to you! Today is our new day to learn and speak English! Let’s try to learn or teach somehow different for the students’ sake. Yes, your teaching methods are the best, I know it. Today I’m changing the mine studying ones. My first piece of advice is to learn and remember the…

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