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Learning is a marathon, so run it!

  • November 2, 2016
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Recently my students asked me to give them more praxis after each grammar post. Starting from today, we’re going revise something old and learn something new from the English language grammar. You shouldn’t be afraid of lots of exercises I’m going to offer to you! I hope it’s going to be fun and helpful. This…

Tongue Twisters to your pronunciation!

  • October 31, 2016
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Good grammar day! You think you sound strange. Someone can’t understand your pronunciation. Hey, it’s okay! Don’t worry! We’re going to change this today! Try the tongue twisters! It’s an easy and straightforward way to strengthen your speech. For example, Mr. Tongue Twister tried to train his tongue to twist and turn, and twit an…

How to give an English lesson?

  • October 27, 2016
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Good English Teacher Day! Happy first teaching experience! Have you decided to change something in your teaching? Do you know already how to give an English lesson? You are a teacher, a professional one. The warm up, work in groups, etc. has to be there! I agree with your point of view, and I consider…

You want to study English, and you don’t have time

  • October 26, 2016
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Good Grammar Day to you! Today you want to study English, and you don’t have time. What should you do? I’m so delighted to know that you read this article! Yes, I have got something new to share with you. No, this is not a secret, though most of us forgot the information I want…

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