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The Adjective and The Sentence

  • September 7, 2016
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Don’t worry, as today we continue our discovery. We always use the following words to explain the grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, synonym, antonym, etc. Let’s define the meaning of some of them now. Today we’ll study the adjective. It is a describing word, and its primary role is to qualify a noun or…

Marketing and malapropisms in Anglish Humor

  • September 5, 2016
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Again we discuss malapropisms, homonyms, and again we laugh together from the English language and with the English speakers. As usual, Monday is the first working day and the first smiling day! Do you know anything about the buying and selling business? Today we’ll discover new information thanks to Mike Franklin. We’ll visit the shops…

Mice and Rats: Idioms

  • September 2, 2016
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What are idioms by the way? When do we use them? The idiom is a phrase in which the meaning has little or nothing to do with the literal text. There are lots of idioms in every language and in English in particular. The more people are connected to one of the domains the more…

Animal Idioms. Answers 2

  • September 1, 2016
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Good new day for you! I hope that you did your homework before checking the answers. I believe that you’ve done everything correctly and in time. We try to prepare you for a new school year. You know, there will be some homework to do. The main difference, I guess, the teachers won’t give you…

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