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Animal Idioms. Homework 2

  • August 31, 2016
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Good morning/afternoon/evening! My dear students, I hope that you are used to a lot of information and homework that I give you daily. We’re approaching the school period in quantum leaps: tomorrow it’s already September! Usually, but not everywhere, people go to school this month. The parents run around thinking what else they should purchase….

Animal idioms: Dogs. Part 1

  • August 25, 2016
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Good morning, afternoon, evening! Today we’ll have to study new animal idioms. As I’ve promised the subject is a dog, and phrases about it. There are a lot of idioms about dogs, so I divided them into two parts. Also note that I don’t want to hurt you or your lovely pet, that’s just set…

Are you aware of the British Humor?

  • August 22, 2016
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Hello to you from Mike Franklin! Again he shares his excellent British Humor with us. We discussed Brexit, and we learned that it’s just an ex who was sitting in the British Railways train. Today we plug in the political malapropisms again. That’s so fun! As always, I write the “wrong” text from the picture,…

Top 22 Idioms about Joy and Happiness

Today I woke up and thought that I was traveling in the sea. That were just the clouds up in the sky that looked like water waves. Definitely, it’s so beautiful here, on the Earth, haven’t you noticed? As for me, I believe that being happy and thankful is a must for everyone who woke…

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