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Search Results for: what

How to get rid of your accent?

  • August 19, 2016
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How to get rid of your accent, and get a nearly perfect native-speaker accent? At first, I’d like to say: It is possible. Listen to the audio information and repeat as a crazy. Work out your accent every day using every audio track you can find, do take profit of the radio and films. You…

To tell the truth about English learning

  • August 12, 2016
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Let me tell about myself. May I? The best pleasure for me as an ESL speaker and teacher is to use my language skills. I find great enjoyment in this: I meet new people, I make friends. Depending on the country where I’m currently living I may take my friends to sightseeing or they do…

Gloomy weather and English Humor

  • August 11, 2016
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Anglish Humor for today! Thanks to Mike Franklin we discover new borderlines of the English language itself. Also, we follow an overall development as we learn new words and completely unknown notions! We explore art, culture on the whole. I wish you good luck and an endless stock of patience during our Anglish Humor studies….

The Noun and the Sentence

  • August 10, 2016
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Today I’d like to clarify some small details in our everyday English. We always use the following words to explain the grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, synonym, antonym, etc. Let’s define the meaning of some of them now. According to the Wikipedia, a NOUN is a word that functions as the name of some…

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