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English for Intermediate Students, Lesson 12. Homework

  • March 31, 2016
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Insert the needed preposition: Good morning! Stand __. Come __, come __ with me. Are you looking __ the weekend? What do you think __ it? I hate you! Go __! Come __. You are welcome. Once again your car broke __. Shouldn’t you repair the car at the station? I will be __! In…

Phff! Phrasals. English for Intermediate Students, Lesson 12

  • March 30, 2016
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Sometimes we cannot translate the verb alone, but we have to translate its preposition. It is easy to understand a verb without a preposition. For example “to go” means to move or relocate somewhere from the starting point. “To go over” means to examine. These prepositions give another meaning to a verb. To make a…

Updated: Top 18 Grammar blogs you should read every day

  • March 21, 2016
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Why do you use the grammar blogs? If you’re a student, a teacher, an ESL speaker, and a writer you have to use grammar reference or guide. Before we could refer to our teacher, old dictionaries, and our friends. Today we do the same. We refer to a data bank. But to the date bank…

English for Intermediate Students, Lesson 8. Homework

  • March 14, 2016
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The subject of Modality is not the easiest, so let’s try to do it following the grammar steps. Check out the grammar page and be sure that you can do it. Now as you refreshed the lists of Modality, let’s start: Connect the lists of the expressions with the lists of the modal verbs: 1)…

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