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English for beginners, Lesson 8. Homework

  • January 11, 2016
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Have a nice (Perfect) time with new homework! Today we have got five exercises to do. Once again, give the full answers, negatives and the full question forms. As always: do not be afraid to make mistakes and have a lot of fun while doing your homework! Good luck! 1) Insert in the blanks: ’ve…

Thank you! That is perfect! English for beginners, Lesson 8

  • January 10, 2016
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Finally, we came up to this question! Why do we need Present Perfect tense and where do folks use it? I will answer the second question: everywhere! So, the answer to the first question is: because folks use it very often. To make a sentence in Present Perfect, we take the verb “to have” in present…

English for beginners, Lesson 7. Homework

  • January 6, 2016
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I know that you missed your homework yesterday, didn’t you? Today we are going to do exercises in past and past continuous tenses. We have to revise the grammar and completely understand the difference between action in process and one definite moment. Compose the sentences using the following verbs in the right time: do dress…

Past Continuous vs Past Simple. English for Beginners, Lesson 7

  • January 5, 2016
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I guess you are ready for more grammar today. So what is the secret of the past continuous tense? We construct this tense as we did it with present continuous tense. We take the verb “to be” in Past Indefinite in the needed form (was/were) and add the main verb +ing. The difference here is in…

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