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English for Beginners, Lesson 1. Homework

  • December 18, 2015
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Today it is your turn to practice! 1) Write down these verbs in the correct form into the blanks: know, see, do, feel, like, go, take. He …. this is not his mistake, but he … guilty anyway. I … everything about cooking! Oh, I … what you want to tell me. … she feel better?…

Is Present as Simple as it is called? English for Beginners: Lesson 1

  • December 16, 2015
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Today we are going to learn Present Simple. We use this time to tell about everything that is around us or concerning us, and to describe things in general. For example, “The sun rises.” “I like buns.” One of my students asked me to explain clearly what Present Simple is and why it is Indefinite….

That’s too much!

  • December 7, 2015
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As we are learning English, we are going to speak to other English speakers, aren’t we? In English language there are some hidden dangers; one wrong word or the correct one but in a wrong place may have some after-effects. One of my students said “We are too long together with my boyfriend.” And I…


  • September 27, 2015
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The technique in English grammar of adding extra emphasis to a syllable or word is called stress. This aids not only pronunciation, it can alter the meaning of a word or shift the purpose of a spoken statement. Syllable Emphasis in a Word Only vowels are stressed, not consonants. A word with one syllable can…

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