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Are you used to speaking English? English for Intermediate students. Lesson 1

  • December 26, 2015
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Used to something/to do something vs get (be) used to something/to doing something In English, we have two kinds of phrasal constructions with “used.” Let’s study the first one – “used to do.” We need it to show that we did something in the past on a regular basis, but that was finished in the…



Have you practiced the material from the previous classes? Usually, I ask my students to practice as often and as much as possible. I know, you had holidays, you had almost no time to speak English. But I am joking, you have 24 hours per day to find five minutes to speak English! Today we…

Do you have enough time? English for Beginners: Lesson 4

  • December 25, 2015
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Do you have enough time? English for Beginners: Lesson 4

Today we are going to learn the verb “have” and the verbal construction “have got.” I want to encourage you: native speakers use both variants interchangeably. Our goal is to find the use of the verb “have” and the verbal construction “have got.” As usual, we start from conjugation of the verb: I have =…

English for Beginners, Lesson 3. Homework

  • December 24, 2015
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English for Beginners, Lesson 3. Homework

One of my students asked me to add some homework to practice more. I hope that you will not mind. I will try to add some words to learn from the previous lessons. If this sounds easy to you, imagine that tomorrow we are going to have a class and I am going to ask you…

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