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Search Results for: what

English for Beginners: HOMEWORK – Lesson 5

  • August 10, 2021
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Are you dancing tonight? What do you think about doing homework? You should learn new phrases and constructions when you find them in the theory or homework. This will help you to improve your vocabulary. Let’s start! 1 Make up a question for each statement: I’m going to be free in a few minutes. I…

English for Beginners: HOMEWORK – Lesson 3

  • June 15, 2021
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I will try to add some words to learn from the previous lessons. If this sounds easy to you, imagine that tomorrow we are going to have a class and I am going to ask you not only the words from that short list, but from the lesson as a whole. Always remember that you…

English for Beginners: Lesson 3

  • June 1, 2021
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Today we will learn the verb to be in the present tense. Let’s look through its conjugation:   I am = I’m You are = You’re We are = We’re They are = They’re She is = She’s He is = He’s It is = It’s   When do we use the verb to be?…

English for Beginners: HOMEWORK – Lesson 2

  • May 18, 2021
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Business before pleasure. First do your homework, then take a rest. 1 Write down the verbs in the correct present tense form: I (to brush) my teeth. Burt (to try) to give up smoking. You (to watch) the cat video. She (to play) the violin. We (to study) the examples. He (to wash) his new…

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