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  • May 4, 2021
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My dear students, I want you to speak English. You will have to learn a lot of new grammar, so take your learning process seriously. I have created a course for beginners and a course for intermediate students. I have conducted experiments with students at my school. What I learned from this is that there are…

English for Beginners: Lesson 2 – Are you afraid that Present is Indefinite?

  • April 20, 2021
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Today we continue to cover present tense; we will learn some more rules that can be called “exceptions.” Though it is indefinite, the present tense is simple, but there are some naughty exceptions. So, we have few more endings to pay attention to: “sh” and “ch”: c As I explain to my students, the reason…

English for Beginners: HOMEWORK – Lesson 1

  • April 6, 2021
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Now it is your turn to practice! Dear students, if you find any difficulty in your homework, check the song with the same name on the Internet. 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: He _______ this is not his mistake, but he _______ guilty anyway. (to know;…

English for Beginners: Lesson 1 – Is Present as Simple as it Sounds?

  • March 23, 2021
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Today we are going to learn present simple – the present tense. We use this tense to talk about everything that is happening now around us or concerning us, and to describe things in general. For example, “The sun rises,” and “I like buns.” One of my students asked me to explain clearly what the…

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